Move over, butter.. Thai seafood dip is here!

I HEART butter. I do.. with all my heart. And it kind of shows, too. 😉 However, there is time and place for it. Many of them, too. However, not with seafood, in my opinion anyways. I grew up eating a lot of fish and seafood. Mostly fresh water fish though. Bangkok – where I grew up- is by the river. As a result, we get lots of fresh water prawns and all kinds of fish. Hmm.. good old days! 🙂

I have a recipe for you today, for a choice for your seafood dip, apart from butter. Let me tempt you by telling you the best part about it, (apart from being ridiculously delish) it has NO FAT. Nada. It is made of lime juice, garlic, Thai chili peppers and salt. Oh, a little bit of sugar to bring out all the flavors.


1 lime

1 clove of garlic

Thai chili pepper (or jalapeno) or not… It’s optional

2 tsp. sugar ( I used my mango jam to add mango flavor, color and sweetness to it this time)

1 tsp. salt 

2 tbsp. lukewarm water.


 -Finely chop chili pepper and garlic.

– Put in a little ramekin.

– Add lime juice, sugar, salt and mix well.

– Add the water and stir until nicely blended.

– Dip your fave grilled or steamed seafood in it.

Wasn’t that easy? Here is how mine looked. I had it with grilled shrimp and brown rice with a generous size green salad to start with.

Thai Seafood Dip

Thai Seafood Dip. Yummalicious!

Remember, my friends, Thai it, you’ll like it!


1 Comment »

  1. WOW! i’m going to make this too! except, what’s ramekin??

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